Thank you for your interest in attending the Drive-In Cinema Screening. Prospective Attendees acknowledge:
- A personal commitment to protect the health and safety of the UMass Dartmouth community
- By attending you will commit to guidance and direction of local, state, and federal health and medical professionals.
- Refrain from social gathering outside the purpose of the event
- Limit attendees/social contacts to a core group of colleagues and friends. (No outside persons allowed. Only currently enrolled students)
- Attendees shall be exclusive persons in the vehicle and will not attend with others or remain in the vehicle for a prolonged time with others.
- Wear a face covering when in public, outside the privacy of my vehicle, or as directed by the university or local/state health authorities; unless covered by an exception, face coverings must be worn in all public spaces within campus including instructional settings (classroom, labs, studios etc.).
- Stay home and contact Health Services or my supervisor and health care provider if I feel ill or after possible exposure to someone who is ill or has tested positive for COVID-19 and avoid contact with others.
- Respect social distancing signs, barriers, and protocols intended to assure social distancing between campus community members on campus and in the university’s host communities.
- Demonstrate social responsibility by following public health guidelines in local businesses, public places, and on all public transportation. Show compassion, care, and respect for other members of the community.
- Acknowledge that this viewing is on a first come first serve basis and due to current COVID restrictions, by affirming you are not guaranteed a space.
- Understand that the Graduate Student Senate acknowledges the UMassD Shared Responsibility Compact and will exercise its duty to help prevent the spread of COVID and protect its fellow students, colleagues, and UMass Dartmouth community.
For additional information on testing, please visit the UMass COVID-19 Testing website or email covidtesting.support@umassd.edu. Also available on the testing site is a dashboard containing testing data that will be updated weekly.
The testing center is in Woodland Commons is open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Residential students cannot be tested on Fridays. Appointments for testing can be made online through the Health Services patient portal. For more information on how to schedule an appointment for COVID testing online, please view the COVID-19 Testing Schedule guide.
The test administered on campus is the molecular SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test. Results will be available to students, faculty, and staff through the CareEvolve system within 24-48 hours. You will be asked to set up an account in CareEvolve to access your test results. Notification of negative results will be sent from the Broad Institute to the tested individual via email. Anyone who tests positive or has an invalid test will be contacted by a healthcare provider from UMass Dartmouth Health Services. If you have had a positive COVID test in the last 90 days, you cannot be retested.
It is important to note that our testing center is only for individuals without symptoms. Individuals with symptoms of COVID should send a secure message through the Health Services patient portal or call 508-999-8982 to discuss testing options.